While it may seem like an easy solution to erectile dysfunction to simply pop a pill, the condition may actually be a symptom of a larger problem. Addressing these issues may be key to avoiding future health complications.
For example, John Whyte, the chief medical expert at Discovery Health News recently wrote in The Huffington Post that as many as 20 percent of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction may have low testosterone levels. Sexual performance issues are one of the most common symptoms of the problem.
He wrote in the news source that low testosterone may also increase the risk for potentially serious conditions like depression, cognitive decline and increased body fat, and that addressing low testosterone could solve these problems as well as erectile dysfunction.
Additionally, experts at the Mayo Clinic have said that erectile dysfunction may be an early warning sign of heart disease. Due to the fact that the arteries in the penis are narrower than in other areas of the body, they may become blocked earlier. They recommend that men who suffer from these problems seek screening for heart disease.