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Men with ED may have many options besides pills



While there are many treatment options for men who experience difficulty in the bedroom, some experts say that the simplest approaches are often the most effective.

Temple University urologist Jack Mydlo said that many men with erectile dysfunction prefer the quick and easy fix of taking a pill. However, this generally only treats a symptom of larger underlying problems. He said that psychology plays an important role.

“The last thing I want them to do is take a pill and jump in bed because a certain part of the mechanism for erections is psychological,” he said. “They have to be in the right mood, with the right person and take care of themselves.”

In addition to the psychological component of erectile dysfunction, Mydlo said that nutrition is vital. High cholesterol is one of the leading causes of sexual performance problems, and lowering it may significantly improve male sexual function.

Devices, such as constant resistant rings, may also help men get and sustain an erection.


Even infrequent sexual performance problems may underlie major health concerns

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New study examines language of erectile dysfunction, hormone therapy

A new study in Urology Today has cast a new look at the language used to describe erectile dysfunction and hormone therapy. The term “erectile dysfunction” did not come into wide usage until approximately 20 years ago, when the National Institute of Health officially coined that term to [...]

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MaxErect: Safe and Effective Alternative to Erection Enhancing Drugs

The recent advent of commonly advertised drugs to help with the problem of mild erectile dysfunction (ED) has and continues to benefit a great number of men of all ages. These drugs employ several methods to increase to some degree or another the arterial flow of blood [...]

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Combining Sex and Drugs Reduces Rock and Roll

ScienceDaily — Sharing a bottle of red wine may seem like the best recipe for a romantic interlude. However, the evening may not turn out as planned according to a Concordia University study, which evaluated the effect of a wide range of drugs, including alcohol, on sexual [...]

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