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Blog - sex lives

Study finds that doctors should talk to their patients about erectile dysfunction



More effective cancer treatments have made it possible for doctors to greatly improve the survivability of the disease. However, the drugs used in these treatments may have side effects that significantly interfere with a man’s sexual performance and may even cause erectile dysfunction.

Recently, a team of French researchers administered questionnaires to a group of patients who were being treated for cancer. The survey included questions on erectile dysfunction, sexual performance, desire and overall satisfaction. They found that men who were being treated for cancer scored significantly lower than healthy individuals.

“The sex lives of the patients in our study had reduced quality and intensity,” said Yohann Loriot, who led the research. “We also found that more than half of the patients expressed a wish for a satisfying sexuality, but many of them found it difficult to initiate a discussion on the topic with their doctors.”

He suggested that more doctors should talk to their patients who are being treated with medications that may interfere with their sexual performance to determine if they are having any problems in this area.

Talking with a doctor may help men become aware of options available for treating their condition. For example, constant resistance rings may be able to help these individuals improve their sexual performance.